Cater to every generation—with targeted tastes

Restaurant Operations, Menu,

Cater to every generation—with targeted tastes

Each generation is known for having distinct fashion and music styles. But did you know each also has unique dining habits? Whether driven by affinity for technology or important life milestones, each age group can be served with different offerings.  


What drives the trends?  

Generational trends can be influenced by a variety of factors. 

  1. More adventurous global palettes
  2. Increased disposable income 
  3. Desire for clean eating 
  4. Tendency to connect with social media 
  5. Desire to utilize technology
  6. Preference for snacks vs traditional meals 


Additionally, when consumers reach major life milestones, such as adulthood for Gen Zers, parenthood for millennials and retirement for baby boomers, food, and beverage needs and decisions are affected. 


At Smithfield Culinary, our generational insights will help you best appeal to the needs of current customers and expand to prospective ones. While there are seven living generations today, we are focusing on the four most active dining generations: Generation Z, millennials, Generation X, and baby boomers.  


As might be expected, the two younger generations, Gen Z and millennials, are more into new and innovative foods and flavors and are more technology-savvy than the two older generations, Gen X and boomers. Other differences are more surprising; many boomers are sticklers that their takeout food should be as good as what’s served in the restaurant. And all four generations about equally prefer visiting familiar restaurants. 


If you love serving delicious meat, Smithfield Culinary is here to help you take it up a notch. Our passion for all things protein makes us the perfect partner to share with you the latest innovations and trends that will keep your business ahead of the game. From the blank canvas of fresh pork, to fully cooked products, we’ve got you covered — contact your Smithfield Culinary representative by calling 888-327-6526 or by visiting